The item might show up again in the future, but as Jason Womack indicated; That’s not really up to me, it’s up to “future events unfolding in an order that may facilitate… choice-making.” It’s my job to capture those items and create an environment where making that choice is facilitated in an efficient manner.
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I hike off the northern face and look for a way to descend into the canyon along this side. I make a few attempts, but I know the likelihood of finding such a route is small to none.
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The track is a slow crawl around lower foothills as I make my way up an old mining trail. But I soon reach a section of road that is thoroughly washed out, looking at the thick Juniper Trees and the steep hillsides on opposite sides of the way, I decided to park and hike from here.
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The middle peak is the higher of the two, but I don’t worry to much about it. There is evidence of other ascents of the lonely peak, but not on any of the websites I use to research and record the peaks I have bagged. I’ll make a note here and in my journal, but that will be the extent of it.
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Moving up the road only a short distance, I consult my map again as a prominent ridgeline forms to my right. If I follow the ridgeline I will reach the summit versus following the road around the long way. I move off the road and begin the ascent.
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I find a bare patch of ground to park my jeep, to avoid having the dry grass in prolonged contact with the hot parts of the vehicle. Picking up an extra water bottle, I hike the ridgeline to the summit. The air is still fresh in spite of my delay, but today is expected to warm to 90 degrees, and it won’t stay fresh for long.
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As stunning as the view is the most remarkable image is the rolling hills of brown grass. It was an extremely wet spring and tall green grass was evident everywhere, now at the end of the dry, hot summer months, the tall brown grass is somewhat scary to look at with such a high fire danger present.
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The climb is deceptive and I work between rock and dirt, between trees and small cliff bands. The summit ridge is a lava backbone with absolutely stunning views in all directions
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The lower hillside is covered in scree from the deterioration of the large rocky outcroppings near the summit. I follow a few well-worn game trails and switchback my way up to the high cliff bands. I am on the northern side of a larger wash, but I can see dozens of windows, alcoves, and arches in the rocky face across from me.
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The ridgeline ends abruptly at a rocky face. The views along the southern and western ridges are stunning as the rock cuts a jagged edge along the horizon. I catch movement below me and I watch mesmerized as a bald eagle floats on currents along the base of the ridge, about halfway between myself and the ground floor.
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