After a day and a half of business meetings in Springdale, UT, I was chomping at the bit to get out and hike. The local weather channel predicted a storm front to move in on Friday and Saturday, so I figured any hiking would be a bonus hike this time of year.
My wife Linda had joined me for the trip, and we hooked up with some good friends, Steve and Amy, for an afternoon in the backcountry of Zion National Park. We had two goals: First, to have a great time, and Second, on November 11, 2011, i.e., 11/11/11, we needed to hike something at least 1100 vertical feet.
Steve and Amy were considering hiking Angles Landing (a popular hike in the main Zion Canyon). However, Linda and I were hoping to avoid the congestion of a popular trail that would allow Linda to play her bagpipes in the backcountry without disturbing anyone's peace. So we decided to scramble the East Temple Saddle but avoid the steep Slickrock by hiking up and back through Upper Pine Creek.
“Big horn sheep” copyright BrickBarnBlog2011
I knew it would be a beautiful day when we dropped into Upper Pine Creek (not 10 feet from the road) and spotted a herd of 20 Big Horn Sheep resting among the trees. Three big beautiful Rams and the rest are female and kids. They just laid and watched us move down into the creek bottom.
“Fall Colors” copyright BrickBarnBlog2011
Traveling Upper Pine Creek is a real treat; the wash is sandy with beautiful fall colors still clinging to the leaves. Upon reaching the end, we turned left and scrambled up the dryfall. Upper Pine Creek is a popular route and a kick-off point for Spry Canyon, Mountain of the Sun, and other backcountry routes. The trail is well marked, and our scramble was easy.
Upon reaching the first shelf, we turned back South and began to work our way higher on the ridge. There are cliff bands to the left and the steep walls of Upper Pine Creek to the right. Staying right allows you to use the weakness and cliff bands to move higher. Soon a prominent ridge line becomes apparent, and if you continue hiking south, you can step up and onto the ridge. This ridge is the west ridge line of Shelf Canyon.
“Steve & Amy Walking the narrow ledge” copyright BrickBarnBlog2011
Shelf Canyon is the short narrow slot canyon that starts at the Canyon Overlook overflow parking lot. Looking down the canyon, we were able to spot the road. To the North, just a short walk along the ridge is the head of Shelf Canyon and a large pine tree. Dropping under the pine tree and hiking along a narrow shelf on the opposite side, one can scramble around the canyon's head. There are beautiful views to the South as you look straight down this narrow canyon.
Turning West now, follow the East / West wash toward East Temple. The wash is easy to travel and contains several falls, all of which are easy to negotiate. Arriving at the base of East Temple, you will notice large buttresses running North and South. On the East side of the large buttress, just to your left, turn South and proceed up the Slickrock. The Slickrock begins to become steep and is a solid 3rd class scramble. Choose your route with care and the easiest path, taking advantage of the many weaknesses and sound shelf systems.
“East Temple Wash” copyright BrickBarnBlog2011
The buttresses contain many colors, and you should pass on the left-hand side of a beautiful yellow buttress. Working higher, you soon reach the summit, and a panorama of views to the South and West opens to your eyes. The most prominent of these is Bridge Mountain. But also noted is the broad valley of Hepworth canyon, just above the large window from the tunnel. Destination peak, and West Temple. Looking down, you should be able to spot people arriving at the end of the Zion Overlook trail.
“Linda Playing Bagpipes” copyright BrickBarnBlog2011
Resting on the saddle, we ate lunch and took in the wonder of sights and sounds. The beautiful views and the sound of bagpipes rolling through the canyons created a novelty to the senses—a fantastic way to remember 11/11/11.