One of the most familiar landmarks in Cedar City is the Red Hill. Standing out prominently against it's larger darker brethren on the east side of town, the Red Hill is a means of navigation (drive east toward the Red Hill) and an immense source of beauty as the summer sunsets reflect off of it at dusk.
Long played on by high school and college kids looking to add a little excitement to their day/nights in Southern Utah; the Red Hill rewards the scrambler with a breathtaking view of the township.
The Red Hill view of Cedar City
Take any of the three exits in Cedar City and head to the center of town. On center street turn east (toward the Red Hill), which is UT-14. Shortly after leaving town, you will pass truck warning signs with a large turnout for semi's to turn around immediately after a sharp left turn arounds the southernmost tip of the Red Hill. Park in the ample space on the left-hand side of the road.
There are many routes to the top, and the large shelf systems of vegetative ramps make the scramble class 3. I followed the gully north for about 200 yards before picking a line and faint trail up the boulder hillside. Eventually, the route angled south, following the cliff face. Several moves near the saddle I would consider class 4. Soon the ridgeline is reached, and a beautiful red rock point allows you to step out and look up and down the canyon.
The Red Hill
Turning north, the impressive boulder ridge line of Red Hill lays before you. The next hour is bouldering up the ridgeline to the summit. The trail is evident and easy to follow. Once elevation is reached, the travel toward the rear of the hill and the mountain is class 2. The highest point on the Red Hill are two separate peaks about 50 feet apart; I laid my GPS on both peaks. Both read the same elevation. I believe the generally accepted summit is the multi-boulder peak to the north. I didn't find a summit cairn, but someone was thoughtful enough to bring a can of graffiti remover and wire scrub brush. I left a summit register next to the box and brush in the hopes that people will sign the register vs. write on the rocks.
The views of Cedar City are stunning. Looking south along the ridgeline is the impressive 10,000 foot Cedar Mountain. East is Peak 7068, north-north-west is Cedar Ridge Golf course and Three Peaks recreation area.
Dropping directly east off the Red Hill, I spotted my line of ascent up UNP 7068, moving quickly down the shelf systems I soon arrived at the 4-wheeler trail in the gully between the two peaks. Hiking uphill on the trail a short distance brought me to a prominent ridge heading higher. I spooked a small herd of Mule Deer, which made it easy to follow the game trail up the ridge. After reaching a minor saddle, the path became very steep and rocky. Continuing to follow the fresh deer tracks, I developed a good line through the loose rock and sand to the ridge.
UNP 7068
Following the ridge north, the travel is again smooth. Juniper trees litter the hillside and grow along the ridge, making it necessary to drop to one side and staying as close to the ridgeline as possible to avoid having to re-climb parts of the peak. Soon a small summit cairn is reached. I am surprised to see a few stones stacked on this peak as it is almost an afterthought to the more famous Red Hill. Leaving another summit register, I again moved quickly downhill. Snow flurries have been occurring all day, and I count myself lucky that they haven't turned worse. Arriving at the gully, I followed the 4-wheeler trail down and back to my waiting vehicle.
ATV trail view south