A motivational speaker once said, "If you're going to quit, you should have quit a long time ago." He's right, and I know exactly where I should have turned around.
Read MoreSouth Rim peak, Stump Springs Trailhead, and Under the Point Trail, Pine Lake - UT, quad
By the time I arrive at the first ravine, I have given up on horses, perhaps being the best option as the trail is missing. Washed away by flooding, the evidence of reinforced course and bridge scatter below me in the ravine.
Read MoreCanaan Peak, Canaan Peak - UT, quad
Powell Point is ablaze in the morning sun, and the badlands which extend south from the point, known as "The Blues," can be seen in all their various shades of muted greens, grays, and blues.
Read MoreHitchhikers and the Bryce Canyon Road Trip, Bryce Canyon National Park
Turning left on UT-89, I soon spot three hitchhikers. As I passed, they did not appear to be regular hitchhikers but looked more like stranded tourists. I turned around to inquire about their destination. They were also heading to Bryce Canyon, so they climbed in, and again I headed toward my goal.
Read MoreATV Ride to Montezuma's Cave, Johnson Canyon, Pine Point - UT, quad
Not your home school outing, UT-89 caves, the caves before you are up a steep, exposed trail, cut into the sandy hillside above a cliff.
Read MoreATV ride road 50, South Fork Indian Canyon Pictographs, Moquitch Benchmark.
It is a stunning reminder that perhaps we will also be remembered for something simple that was such a minor part of our overall lives as to be barely considered necessary in the scheme of things.
Read MoreBetween the Creeks Road and UNP 6381 - Bull Valley Gorge - UT, quad
The soil is so subtle that the vehicle's slightest movement or air sends it into a dust cloud once again.
Read MoreChimney Rock and the Colossus of Cannonville, Henrieville - UT, quad
The setting sun and clouds made for stunning photography of the "Sand Pipe," plus I have always been fascinated with nature and the believed history of sand pipe creation. I'm less impressed with National Geographic's story about the area, that team's failure to inquire about the names of the places they were visiting, creating and changing names for their account, instead of upholding tradition and current titles.
Read MoreRock Springs Bench ATV and UNP 6526, Slickrock Bench - UT, quad
These massive tilted plateaus are what give The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument its name. Sandy inclines that end abruptly at cliffs that drop hundreds of feet to the various rivers that cut and carve their way to the ocean.
Read MorePhoto Trail, Birdseye Trail, Red Canyon - Wilson Peak - UT, quad
The Birdseye Trail is .7 in length and is a Point to Point trail connecting with the "Hoodoo Trail" near the large bus pullout before the Visitor Center. One can continue to follow the Hoodoo Trail to the Visitor Center or cut across the road and walked back along the bike path, creating a loop back to the Trailhead.
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