A motivational speaker once said, "If you're going to quit, you should have quit a long time ago." He's right, and I know exactly where I should have turned around.
I'm hiking the Water Canyon Trail after another enjoyable ATV ride on Road #148. The road signs are confusing as it points the way to Table Cliff and Barney Top Trail. A smaller sign is found once making the turn onto 33209, which announces Water Canyon Trail. Trail 33209, is more typical of backcountry ATV routes, and high clearance is probably required. A beautiful meadow for camping found near the trailhead would make for an excellent car camping site.
Meadow near trailhead
More confusing signs at the trailhead indicate a junction with Forest Service Road #132 in 2.5 miles. I can find no road on my map for Road #132. Regardless, I begin my hike. A trickling stream of water is on the hikers left, and glimpses of crystal clear water over small waterfalls give hiking a lovely alpine feel in this forest.
Stream side trail
The route passes through the stream on several occasions, and mud bogs require finding solid footing, but the trail is beautiful, and the air is still. The path continues to follow the water but eventually begins a steep climb out of the ravine onto the northern hillside. A series of switchbacks brings the trail until it reaches the ridgeline and a breathtaking view to the east. A massive log makes for a nice chair, and I drink some water and enjoy the view. A haze surrounds the mountain peaks to the east, and the sun is glazing through a bluebird sky. Stunning.
Trail view southeast
Turning west once again, I begin to hike up the ridgeline. Up and up along a rutted, rocky trail. The trees are thin but plentiful. The view is pleasant but unremarkable, given the sights I have seen over the past two hikes. But I still trudge on. I have no real goal for this hike; in truth, I envisioned hiking among the pink cliffs of Powell Point as waterfalls surround me. But as I look up the intended direction of the trail, it appears that I will follow the ridgeline into the next ravine and through a tree-covered hillside to the plateau of Table Cliff. Not inspiring as these things go.
Trail view
Table Cliff is accessible from Pine Lake via Road #143, and I plan to take this ATV ride sometime in the future. So my hike up this trail is more to experience the track itself, which I am quickly becoming bored with. And that's when my motivational quote begins to pass through my mind. I finally conclude that more of the same isn't worth the effort, and I turn around. I pause at the big log once again and think that everything below this point is beautiful in the shaded, thick forest with the stream passing by. If I was going to quit, this should have been the spot.