Note: Publishing the “Protocol for the doTerra MetaPWR system” isn't the type of writing I generally put into the bloggersphear void. I write about these types of topics, frankly, more often than the titles I publish; however, they are usually for future reference inside my knowledge management system known as a Zettelkasten and are for my eyes only. However…
Several months ago, my beautiful wife, Linda, gifted me a box of doTerra's MetaPWR's three-step system for metabolic health. (1) Being a Ginny pig for new products is nothing new, and I graciously accepted the gift.
I have struggled with weight my entire adult life, and while I won't bore you with all the methods I've tried, my biggest problem is I hate to eat on a structured plan.
I get nauseous if I don't have a little something in my stomach when I exercise, and the Eat To Perform methodology helped me understand that the timing of carbohydrates is critical to performance; however, I could never get the total eating/meal package down, and so I gained weight.
Two years ago, I bought a subscription for a Lumen Device, which measures metabolic health, i.e., breath analysis determines if your body is burning carbohydrates or fat as fuel. (2) Using Lumen gave me a good sense that my metabolism wasn't broken; it simply needed fine-tuning. In other words, (according to a breath analysis) I successfully switched between burning carbs and burning fat after a long bike ride.
Want to know a secret?
MetaPWR didn't come with any Protocol for Use.
At least not in the box, anyway. I gave the oil back to Linda, tried a couple of the drink mixes, and enjoyed the satiety gum most of all, but with softgels, beadlets, gum, and oils; I knew there had to be a protocol that doTerra tested to provide the best results, I simply didn't have the system notes.
I created a to-do to search the internet for the MetaPWR plan, and the box of powders and softgels has sat on the shelf for all these months. Today, I finally searched and found an excellent whitepaper and video on the subject. I'm excited to give the entire routine a tryout.
How it works:
Step 1: MetaPWR Metabolic Blend
doTerra designed the various softgels, beadlets, gum, and oils to work together as a system, each offering a support role or convenience specialty while enhancing the other products. (3)
First is the proprietary metabolic blend created by doTerra. The blend balances ratios of Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Cinnamon Bark essential oils (4) and is found in each MetaPWR product.
The pdf literature provided by doTerra is rife with disclaimers regarding their statements that have yet to be evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, which is true of all vitamins and over-the-counter remedies, especially essential oils. However, according to doTerra, the preclinical research they performed on the MetaPWR blend suggested it can "limit the development of new fat cells and the growth of existing fat cells when taken internally." (5) Obviously, more research will be in order; however, ingesting fundamental ingredients like Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, and Ginger shouldn't cause concern even if the claims later prove false.
Step one is ingesting the MetaPWR blend daily, throughout the day, which should help guard against hunger cravings and provide the other claimed benefits of limiting the development of new fat cells while at the same time supporting healthy metabolic function.
doTerra has provided multiple delivery forms (6) to help you achieve this goal.
MetaPWR 15 ml bottle in oil form can be added to drinking water (glass container only) as part of your daily hydration ritual or in a diffuser.
MetaPWR Softgels.
MetaPWR beadlets.
MetaPWR Satiety Gum.
Although I couldn't find a specific number for the recommended dosage, doTerra suggests ingesting the blend often throughout the day, i.e., drops and softgels caplets in the morning, another tablet after lunch with gum or beadlets if hunger cravings occur during the afternoon. And finally, a softgel after dinner and more gum if cravings happen in the evening.
Step 2: MetaPWR Metabolic Assist
The second component of the MetaPWR strategy is leveling blood sugars from carbohydrate-heavy meals. To accomplish this, doTerra relies heavily on the mulberry leaf extract, which has shown clinical evidence of slowing the digestion of carbohydrates and, therefore, reducing glucose absorption into the bloodstream. (7)
Take one capsule 30 minutes before your biggest meal to help stabilize blood sugar levels. MetaPWR recommends combining the tablet with a nutrient-rich, fiber-filled complex carbohydrate meal for best results. (8)
Step 3: MetaPWR Advantage
Finally, the third component of the MetaPWR system to help support healthy metabolic function is through a powder that, when mixed with water, delivers a wide range of Nicotinamide mono nucleotides (NMN), which enables the biosynthesis of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) already present in our bodies. (9)
The most critical function of NAD+ is to promote robust mitochondrial output. (10) Mitochondria are the reactors of the cell and are the only place within our bodies where fat burns. It pays to have a finely tuned fat-oxidating Mitochondria capacity. (11)
Also present in the MetaPWR Advantage powder is a collection of collagen to help skin maintain its elasticity and firmness while supporting lean muscle and connective tissues. (12)
Downloaded from: (13)
In addition, MetaPWR Advantage has many other ingredients designed to fight free radicals and prevent oxidative damage to your cells. (14)
Step 4: Using the MetaPWR System in Daily Life
The MetaPWR System by doTerra is a trifecta of proprietary blends designed to increase metabolic health, flexibility, and function.
The primary component is MetaPWR Metabolic Blend, which comes in many delivery options to make it convenient to get the suggested amounts throughout the day, i.e., small but often.
The MetaPWR Assist, which I am hesitant to enact with full faith because fast carbohydrates have their place in exercise and training. I am always reluctant to introduce changes to my digestive system without good reason, and slowing down the tract can lead to significant issues. Taken in moderation, i.e., the recommended one tablet per day, is probably of sufficient low enough dose; however, I'll implement this item last and only if needed.
MetaPWR Advantage is the NMN Collagen powder supplement, and based on my reading, it provides a powerful bang for its buck, promoting skin health, mitochondrial vitality, and Antioxidants to fight free radicals. If the MetaPWR program provided nothing but the MetaPWR Advantage supplement, it would be worth the price of admission.
Thanks for reading, and yes, Linda is a doTerra product consultant.
Written September 26, 2023
Editorial assistance by Grammarly.
Footnotes and References
(1): "The Three-Step System for Metabolic Health." (n.d.) doTerra. Retrieved from:
(2): Lumen "hack your metabolism." Website:
(3): Ibid. (doTerra) p.3.
(4): Ibid. (doTerra) p.3.
(5): Ibid. (doTerra) p.3.
(6): Ibid. (doTerra) p.4.
(7): Ibid. (doTerra) p.5.
(8): Ibid. (doTerra) p.5.
(9): Ibid. (doTerra) p.6.
(10): Ibid. (doTerra) p.6.
(11): Case, Chris. (January 2, 2018) "Diagnosis: How many base miles do you really need?" Velo. Retrieved from:
(12): Ibid. (doTerra) p.7.
(13): Meme. Downloaded from:
(14): Ibid. (doTerra) p.8.