Red Peak, ATV ride to Red Hills, South. Summit - UT, quad

There are two main approaches to this beautiful little peak. First is an OHV trail that follows the southern ridgeline to near the summit. The second is also from an OHV trail on the south side. The OHV trail doesn't reach the mountain peak, but a gentle ridgeline rises along the northern edge to the summit. There is probably some discrepancy regarding which outcropping of rock represents the true summit. I did not take an elevation reading to settle the matter. Visit both summit areas, the views of both sides of Red Peak make the dispute meaningless.

ATV trail ride looking back at Red Peak

ATV trail ride looking back at Red Peak

A narrow OHV trail makes the summit of Red Hills, South a “drive to the top” adventure. Follow the Jeep trail to the final switchback leading to the radio towers at the peak of UNP 6717. Color Country OHV trail P04 is ranked most challenging, and a small and narrow passage between the Juniper trees follows the high ridgeline north to the summit of Red Hills, South. Most of the OHV trail is pleasant; however, the final 200 feet is up a steep, loose rock and dirt trail. Use extreme caution on this last leg of the approach. I returned the way I came; the OHV trail, however, continued north.

Foothill ATV track to Red Hills, South

Foothill ATV track to Red Hills, South