It is ten degrees hotter this morning as I roll out of bed and start breakfast. Linda and Sean are heading with the rockhounding club to look for turquoise at a nearby mine. However, at least I thought it was nearby, attending the morning meeting; I soon learn the mine is 75 miles away (one-way). That is going to make for a long hot day for the group. Nevertheless, it is fun to see the turnout and introduction of three new members (with spouses). A large majority of the club has turned out to find the Opaque Blue-to-green material, and I wave goodbye as the caravan leaves the campground on US-6, US-95.
I'm in no hurry this morning. Of course, I want to beat the heat if possible, but I'm not interested in tackling any major mountain peaks today. However, an ATV ride would be perfect, and I believe UNP6809 has an ATV trail that leads just over the summit. So, I check my water supplies and head for the door.
ATV trails and UNP6809
Just north and east of my location are the mountain peaks I climbed yesterday. An extensive ATV trail system is also in the area, and I make the short drive to a semi-staging site and unload the quad. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to locate an official staging area, and it appears that most trails start at the edge of neighborhoods. Finally, I find a wide spot in the road, and I'm ready to ride.
Begin hike up UNP6809
I take the direct route to UNP6809 with an expectation of riding the trails more extensively after I've completed my summits for the day. Unfortunately, the trails leading up and over UNP6809 are too steep with loose gravel for my experience on the quad. I park at a high saddle and hike to the top. The hike is short at only .48 miles, and I complete the round trip in 34 minutes.
UNP6809 summit view of trail system and Ararat Mountain
Continuing northward, I follow the ATV trails through a series of ravines connecting with the maintained gravel road leading to the summit of Booker Mountain. The mountain top is home to more communication towers, and I park just outside the fenced-in area. On the east side of the fence is a small stone cairn, and there I find a Geological Survey marker. The marker appears temporary or has been moved due to the mountain peak level to make room for the communication towers. However, it is close enough to the actual summit to count another mountain peak for the day.
Booker Mountain Geological Survey Marker (1971)
I spend some time on my return trip riding the ATV trails of Tonopah; they are well-traveled, and I loop around Ararat Mountain, following a series of paths connecting until I return to my starting point. It is getting hot, so I return to the truck, but what a fun way to spend the morning.
Booker Mountain road and solar power station
A CalTopo map of the area can be found here.