A cold front is moving through the area today and tomorrow, bringing the daytime temperatures down into the high 40's. A bit further south in Gold Butte National Monument, the temperatures will be around 75 degrees. I think I'll be heading south today.
Exiting the Virgin River Gorge, I decided to stop at the new Pilot truck stop and pick up a sandwich and chips. Easy off and easy on the location is ideal for a quick grab of gas or snacks when the sign flips over to announce the $249 million Arizona lottery ticket drawing tonight. I've never played the idiot tax before, but I decide to spend $10.00 for five entries while I'm here. It takes me a long time to figure out the machine, and I accept the lottery numbers it assigns me. There is probably a better way to play, but I have no idea what I'm doing. I pick up my tickets, pay for my chicken wrap, and head back to the truck.
Putting my pack onto the four-wheeler, I have a sinking feeling. What if something happens to me and the winning lottery ticket is in the truck, and Linda doesn't know anything about it? So I shoot her a quick text to let her know I entered the lottery and where the ticket is. In hindsight, this was probably smart but funny as the odds of winning are millions to one.
UNP 4869
I'm familiar with the route and soon arrive at the base of UNP 4869. An additional ATV trail follows the mountain base toward a high saddle before dropping back down to a wash on the northern side. I stop about halfway and spot a rocky wash on the eastern face that looks like an excellent route to the top.
Looking down the grass ramp toward ATV track
Picking my way through the gullies, sagebrush, and cacti, I arrive at a long rise just to the north of the wash. The hiking is excellent, and the ground cover has given way to grass and an occasional bush. Interesting rock formations just north of my position make for a surreal experience as the rough shapes and fin-like structures jut out of the ground.
Rock fin-like structures
When I approached the first ramp, I find the way covered by a thistle bush. Instead of through the bush, I decided to climb a nearby fifteen-foot wall with good ledges for feet and hand positions. I get my first taste of class 4 scrambling for this year, and it feels good. However, I am now facing another fifteen-foot wall with thirty feet of exposure. I'm not as enthusiastic about the risk and look for alternative routes. Seeing none, I backtrack to the wash and attempt to climb the water route. While better, the risk is still high. Class 4 is where people who scramble up cliff faces find themselves in trouble. It is relatively easy to climb a class 4 route; it is the getting down that proves difficult. I check my pack for webbing or rope, and finding none; I decide to end for the day.
Class 4 scramble with thistle bush picture right.
As I hike back to the ATV, I notice the next wash to the south provides a secondary ramp that is more moderate than the route I have been attempting. I'll give that wash a try on my next attempt. Returning home, I stop at Red Lobster in St. George to "celebrate" our lottery winnings; at least that's the story I tell Linda. I also point out that my dinner celebration might have been premature as Arizona will not post the winning numbers until verified, which will be late tonight. I can't say awake. The following day I was saddened to have to report to my lovely wife that we would have to continue to work for a living. Sigh.