I had the quad loaded, but I didn't want to drive far today searching for a nice ATV ride. The weather is beautiful, with clear blue skies and no wind. On one of my CalTOPO maps, I had laid out an ATV route that leads toward UNP 7270 of the Silver Peaks quadrangle. I only have a couple of more peaks to climb in the area, so I decided to head in that direction and see what the trail system provided for in that direction.
The path is rugged, and I remember taking well over an hour to traverse the same trail in the Toyota Fj the last time I drove through. The quad, however, handles the terrain in a breeze, and soon I find myself in the high valley looking for the proverbial fork in the road.
Jeep trail up ravine
The route west is an ATV trail, short turns, narrow track that loops around the many Juniper Trees in the area. Someone has taken the time to cut down little trees to create the trail, and I appreciate all the hard work. Soon a tree limb blocks my path in what appears to be a large turn-around area, so I pull on my pack and start to climb the obvious trail. The apparent course is the continuation of the ATV trail, so after a few feet, I decide to ride versus walk to the high saddle.
ATV route toward UNP 7270
The path soon empties onto a hillside containing a small lava field. The quad slips and bumps a few times; however, I don't give it much thought. Soon the ATV track comes to an end. I attempt to follow a small game trail to no avail. Turning around, I begin to realize how hazardous my situation is. The small lava field is steep on my descent, and it takes considerable effort to keep the quad from sliding sideways or spinning out. I arrive back and the turn-around and recognize why someone had placed the tree branch in the way. I pull it back in place, add a couple more limbs and drive back to the truck, thankful for tender mercies.